
Showing posts from March 18, 2010

How To Remove the White Space in wp_list_pages

The Problem The wp_list_pages() generates either a series of elements containing links to all of you blog’s pages, or a full unordered list with a heading at the beginning. The output of this list looks like this: <ul> <li><a href="#">Page name</a></li> <li><a href="#">Page name</a></li> </ul> While some browsers don’t have a problem with elements being generated on new lines, in some, this method causes a white space to show up in front of each list item. This space becomes visible and annoying when trying to create a horizontal menu with background colors and equal horizontal spacing. The Fix To get rid of the white space, your output would need to look like this: <ul><li><a href="#">Page name</a></li><li><a href="#">Page name</a></li></ul> This can be achieved by using a small PHP function that will take the code generated b...

Check validate HTML and CSS

Array Max

<html> <head> <title>Array Max</title> <script type="text/javascript"> // From: var v=[10,8,42,50] // So looking to find 50 function srchMaxV() { var maxV = 0; // or value smaller that smallest in array to search, like = -1000; for (i=0; i if (v[i] > maxV) { maxV = v[i]; } } return maxV; } function NumSort(a,b) { return a-b; } // required for sorting numbers only function sortMaxV() { var sortedV = new Array(); sortedV = v.sort(NumSort); alert('Max: '+sortedV[sortedV.length-1]+'\nMin: '+sortedV[0]); } </script> </head> <body> <button onclick="alert('Max: '+srchMaxV())">Search for Max <button onclick="sortMaxV()">Sort for Max/Min </body> </html>