
Showing posts from August 10, 2015

Bootstrap 3: Equal Height Columns with jQuery

When you want height of each have the same height using coloumn of Bootstrap my recommend you should Javascript calculate height of each row if you using css maybe not support all browser. 1. Html Code <div class="row eq-heights">       <div class="eq-col-sm-4 eq-col-md-4 col-md-4">       <div class="content clearfix">column 1 first in source </div>        </div>     <div class="eq-col-sm-4 eq-col-md-4 col-md-4">         <div class="content clearfix">col 2 second in source </div>        </div>     <div class="eq-col-sm-4 eq-col-md-4 col-md-4">         <div class="content clearfix"> Third in source. something fdaf fafdafd  dafdafdafdaf fdafdf ffdfdfd something fdaf fafdafd  dafdafdafdaf fdafdf ffdfdfd something fdaf...