
Showing posts from March, 2015

Javascript random number between two numbers

function getRandomInt(min, max) {   return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } console.log(getRandomInt(1,100));

Javascript display numbers with commas

function commaSeparated(val){     while (/(\d+)(\d{3})/.test(val.toString())){       val = val.toString().replace(/(\d+)(\d{3})/, '$1'+','+'$2');     }     return val; } // Call Function console.log(commaSeparated(1)); // 1 console.log(commaSeparated(10)); // 10 console.log(commaSeparated(100)); // 100 console.log(commaSeparated(1000)); // 1,000 console.log(commaSeparated(10000)); //10,000

PHP: show a comma on all value except last value from mysql_fetch_array

$count = 0; while ($servdescarrayrow = mysql_fetch_array($servdescarray)) { if ($count++ > 0) echo ","; echo $servdescarrayrow['serv_desc']; }

PHP: Prepend leading zero before single digit number

It will only add the zero if it's less than the required number of characters. When working with numbers, you should use %d (rather than %s ), especially when there is the potential for negative numbers. If you're only using positive numbers, either option works fine. For example: sprintf("%04s", 10); returns 1000 sprintf("%04s", -10); returns 0-10 Where as: sprintf("%04d", 10); returns 1000 sprintf("%04d", -10); returns 100 <? php $num = 4 ; $num_padded = sprintf ( "%02d" , $num ); echo $num_padded ; // returns 04 ?> You can use sprintf: .